


Focus on high quality tubes & cans,with quality first and service foremost.

公司簡介 發(fā)展歷程 邁向工業(yè)4.0
Shanghai Jiatian is professional in aluminum packaging, with excellent quality and unlimited capacity.

上海佳田-上海佳田藥用包裝有限公司 創(chuàng)建于1990年5月,是國內專業(yè)生產藥用鋁質軟管,鋁質染發(fā)膏管的公司。公司2000年開始生產鋁質氣霧罐,是國內較早生產鋁氣霧罐企業(yè)之一。公司位于上海市金山區(qū)朱涇鎮(zhèn)亭楓公路3058號,公司廠區(qū)占地面積60.5畝,職工人數為200多人,總資產25000萬元人民幣,公司年生產總值30000萬元。總共有8條生產流水線,其中5條生產線生產鋁質軟管,年產25000萬鋁軟管,是中國規(guī)模較大的鋁管生產企業(yè)。其中3條生產鋁氣霧罐,年產16000萬鋁氣霧罐。


Shanghai Jia Tian Pharmaceutical Packaging Co., Ltd (Shanghai New Asia Pharmaceutical Jinshan Co. Ltd.) was founded in May 1990. We are the producer of aluminum collapsible tubes in China for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, chemical and food industries.We are located in the No.3058 TingFeng Rd., Zhujing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai, China. With a total investment of RMB 250 million. There are Eight product lines from Hinterkopf, German and WESCO, PSG group, German in our factory. Five tube lines can manufacture 250 million tubes per year. Three lines for Aerosol Can manufacture 16000 million Aerosol Can. We can manufacture 410 million Aluminum tubes and cans per year and we are the biggest manufacturer for aluminum tube in China.Jia Tian Tube catch more than 60% Chinese high quality tube Market.

By the end of 2011 we have 200 employees and most of them have been with the company for more than 5 years. All are responsible and highly trained and it is their understanding and continuous attention to quality requirements which has ensured the success of the company in the past and shall provide the guarantee for its future prosperity.We have the Chinese GMP and US FDA certification for pharmaceutical packaging. We also pass the ISO15378(GMP:Primary packaging materials for medicinal products) and ISO 9000 for quality system. The quality of our product is confirmed by the Janssen, Novertis, Bayer, Schering-Plough, GSK, Bristol-Myers Squibb, L'Oreal, Revlon, Hoyu, Henkel.

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